❤️ ABS is one of the five Certified Kubernetes Service Providers in India ❤️

Guaranteed Service Level Agreement (SLA)

IT service delivery covers design, development, deployment & operation.

Done Under Certified Project Managers

Hence you're in Safe Hands.

Quality Driven


When software is important to your business, you cannot trust to chance. Reliability is everything and proven processes with right methodology are key to success. At TSH, we follow our custom development process which gives our teams a proven way to deliver IT projects within agreed metrics. Both business and technical.

Project Planning
Scope, milestones, priorities, estimation, reporting
Standard Process
Code Coverage, Quality Gates, Git Flow, DoR, DoD
Code Review
Always done by at least two other team members
Testing Levels
Unit, integration, system and end-to-end testing
Automated Tests
For the most important parts of business logic
Code Quality
SOLID, Code Style, Version Control
Timeline Control
Executed with Bitbucket Pipelines or Jenkins
Timeline Control
Scalable servers set up on AWS and GCP

Alpha Development Teams on Demand

Are you ready for a productive business?